
"It's hard to find a friend in this town," said the lead singer of the terrible opening band 'Halloween Town' (Isn't that the name of a Disney original movie?). Well sorry to rub it in your face dear, but I spent roughly 12 hours in Vegas yesterday and made enough friends to last a lifetime. Ok maybe not a lifetime, but really, I find the people in Vegas to be some of the most friendly, helpful, and outgoing folks I've ever met.

First there were the 12 people in 7-Eleven who were all more than willing to give us directions to the closest In-N-Out. Then there was the flirtatious man in Savers who told me I looked "absolutely beautiful" and recommended I try on a wedding dress while he told me how marriage is the most honorable thing two people can do.

Of course, there were the two bearded, long haired, toothless and tattooed men who offered to give me real tattoos (after they saw me applying my fake ones in the car). Then there was the cute guy in Burger King who unlocked the bathroom for me so that I could make a quick wardrobe change and put on some makeup.

And it just wouldn't be right if I didn't run into some fellow provo friends: Clint & Jeff. Also during the concert we met some really great, really drunk people that were overly excited about my tats and wanted to become the best of friends. These one true friends were entertaining themselves by using a breathalizer regularly and announcing every time that they were "totally sober!!" On our other side there were the Egyptian strippers that were apparently huge Killers fans. Oh, and I almost forgot about the girl in the bathroom at the Mandalay Bay events center who offered me the rest of her blunt. What a gem!

So even though I didn't get to spend very much time in Sin City this time around, I met enough people to make the trip memorable. The concert was awesome. I really wish I could have seen Phoenix in a smaller venue, but beggars can't be choosers. At least I have my priorities in order (meaning that we were able to make it back that night so that I could teach the Relief Society lesson in the morning). Why would I put myself through all this? Claire answers it best: "Because you're only young once!!"


C. said...

I love those tats!

claire said...

claire is so wise. i am so wise.