"Karma" would probably be the name of this post if I were to give it a title. Someone stole my ipod and adapter out of my car yesterday. I never lock my car so I guess it's about time something was stolen. I'm not really bummed at all about the ipod. I have another one anyway. But a really good car adapter is hard to come by and this one was the best. The most dissapointing part was having to listen to the radio on the way to work today. It was borderline painful.
I also ordered a few things from J.Crew a couple weeks ago and that package has yet to be seen. According to UPS it was left at the front door last tuesday. Did someone steal that as well?? I'm sorry whoever you are but you're not going to look as good in those bathing suits as I would. Please stop stealing my shiz.
npr. duh.
actually, i look really really good.
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